Editorial Board

Coordinator of Turkish Courses (Critical Reading and Writing in Turkish) in Core Program and Head of the Department of Modern Languages at the School of Foreign Languages as an assistant professor. Graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Boğaziçi University and received her masters degree from Bilkent University, Department of Turkish Literature, PhD degree from Boğaziçi University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. Her research interests include 19th century Karamanlidika literature (Turkish in Greek script), Ottoman-Greek culture and literature in 19th and early 20th century, Ottoman minority literatures, serial novel, Greek literature (Generation of the 30’s), rewriting, intertextuality and gender studies.

Dr. Başak Deniz ÖZDOĞAN
After graduating from Boğaziçi University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Başak Deniz Özdoğan received her master's degree from the Atatürk Principles and Revolution History Institute at the same university. He is in the process of defending his doctoral thesis on Fatma Aliye Hanım at Boğaziçi University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. Her academic interests include modern Ottoman and Turkish fiction, gender studies, military coup and prison literature, and memory studies. His studies in these fields were published in journals such as Journal of Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association and New Perspectives on Turkey. He wrote articles on literature, cinema and music in digital and print media such as Çatlak Zemin, Altyazı and Yeniyazı. He taught literature and Turkish as a foreign language at Boğaziçi University, Galatasaray University, Yeditepe University and the Netherlands Research Institute. Since 2020, he has been working as a Guest Academician at Kadir Has University Core Program.
Dr. Başak Deniz ÖZDOĞAN

Dr. Anna Vakali holds a BA degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and an MA degree from the Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History of Boğaziçi University. She completed her doctoral degree in 2017 at the Near and Middle Eastern Studies of the University of Basel, Switzerland, with a thesis on Balkan proto-nationalists who were tried in the Ottoman courts of the Tanzimat. She has worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her research interests cover the socio-legal history of the 19th-century Ottoman Balkans, non-Muslims in the Balkans and Greek nationalism.Dr. Anna VAKALI

Dr. Seniye TİLEV
Dr. Seniye Tilev received her BA degree from the Department of Comparative Literature at Bilgi University, and received her MA in Philosophy from Bogazici University. She completed her Ph.D. at Bogazici University, with her dissertation titled “Moral Autonomy and Moral Health in Kant” under the supervision of Prof. Kenneth Westphal. Currently she teaches a course on Kant’s philosophy of religion at Boğazici University. Her main areas of expertise are Kant’s ethics, aesthetics and philosophy of religion. She is one of the founders of Turkey Kant Society and serves as a member of the Steering Committee of the society. She also works at the editorial board of Kant Çalışmaları academic journal. She holds memberships at SWIP-TR (Society for Women in Philosophy) and NAKS (North American Kant Society).Dr. Seniye TİLEV

Dr. Ayşegül Pomakoğlu received her bachelor's degrees in Turkish Language and Literature and History at Boğaziçi University in 2010. She received both her Master's degree and doctoral degree in Old Turkish Literature at Boğaziçi University, respectively, in 2013 and 2020. Dr. Pomakoğlu, whose primary fields of study are historiographic fiction, Ottoman prose, and genre-style analysis, has lectured part-time at Boğaziçi University and İstanbul Galata University in 2020-2021. She has also been carrying on her publishing activities as a translator with various publishers since 2013.Dr. Ayşegül POMAKOĞLU

After completing her undergraduate degree at Boğaziçi University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Bilge Ulusman continued her education in the field of Modern Literature and focused on the manifestations of gender in Turkish literary texts through discourse and narrative strategies. She received her Master's degree with her thesis titled "The Functions of Genre in Mr. Muannit Falsegi's Notes: Diary Genre as a Tool of Masculine Domination and Discourse". She worked on heteronormalization, the construction of masculine fantasy and pro-natalism in the erotic literature of the late Ottoman and early Republican periods. She was the coordinator of Maltepe University Women's Studies Application and Research Center and UNESCO Gender Equality and Culture Chair. She worked on her PhD thesis at Boğaziçi University; She conducted research and publications on the possibilities of alternative literary histories, out-of-canon texts, women's literature and gyno-criticism.

Ezgi Rojin ELİTAŞ
Ezgi Rojin Elitaş is a double major student in Political Science and Public Administration and Law. She is currently working as an undergraduate research assistant in TÜBİTAK's project titled "Debtors of the Republic: The Effects of the 1929 Great Depression on Small Landowners and Social Discontent, 1929-1939".Ezgi Rojin ELİTAŞ
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